Green Solutions for Garden Pest Control - EcoShield Pest Solutions

Written by gslight | Sep 29, 2014 8:00:32 AM

When you plant your garden, do the pests get to enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables before you do? It can be heartbreaking. You take time to plan out the garden design, select your vegetables, buy the proper soil and manage the garden until harvest time. And then, just as it’s time to pick your vegetables and enjoy the fruits of your labor, your garden is taken over by insects.

Pest control for garden areas is a very delicate matter. The last thing we want to do with our fresh goodies is cover them with harsh chemicals that are bad for them and for us. At EcoShield, green and clean pest control is our motto. We can help protect the perimeter of the garden and your yard, while you follow the tips below to keep your garden pest free.

1. At home organic bug spray.

The internet provides several recipes for the do-it-yourself bug spray made with herbs and spices. Some of the most common ingredients include catnip, garlic, sage, chopped mint and cayenne pepper. Search online for the recipe of your choice and use this mixture directly on your vegetables.

2. Add insects that repel damaging insects.

It might sound strange to add insects to your garden when you are trying to get rid of them, but some safe insects are natural predators of the damaging insects. Ladybugs are ideal for gardens as they feast on crop-destroying insects. Other insects to consider are green lacewings and beneficial nematodes. Both of these insects aren’t as charming as ladybugs but they target and feast on the bad insects without causing any damage to your garden.

3. Add lizards to the garden.

Lizards are quiet non-invasive creatures found mostly in the southern states. They will happily rid your garden of pests. The downfall is that lizards can multiply quickly and while they are non-threatening, before you know it, you could have a large lizard population.

4. Use hand pest control.

Two of the best tools you have available are your hands. Most people who garden do so daily because they love it. While you are out enjoying your growing garden, look for pests and pick them off with your hands. A daily inspection is best and can do wonders for keeping your garden pest free.
For a free consultation, call EcoShield Pest Control.