What Temperature Kills Off Yellowjackets and Hornets?

Have you ever thought about the seasonal patterns of yellowjackets and hornets and how temperature affects their presence in your outdoor spaces? As the seasons change, so does the behavior of these stinging insects. In this blog post, we will address the confusion surrounding the temperature thresholds at which yellowjackets and hornets meet...

Should I Knock Down Spiderwebs?

While “spooky season” may bring a host of ghoulish and ghastly decorations, real spiderwebs and cobwebs are a true fright for many homeowners. They seem to appear practically overnight, only to be discovered when we unintentionally stumble through one. If the thought of those fine, silken threads clinging to your face like an invisible mummy makes...

Can I Eliminate Mice with Peanut Butter?

When it comes to dealing with mice, many homeowners have turned to unconventional methods, and peanut butter often finds itself in the spotlight. But is it really an effective and humane way to tackle a mouse infestation, or just a myth passed down through generations? In this post, we'll delve into the science behind this popular DIY hack,...

How Do I Get Rid of Crickets in my Garage?

Dealing with a cricket infestation in your garage can be both frustrating and disruptive. The incessant chirping, potential damage to stored items, and the challenge of locating and eliminating these elusive insects can quickly become a homeowner's nightmare. Not to mention that their constant chirping can be a big nuisance, and they can scare the...

Do Mice Infest Clean Homes?

Imagine this: a pristine home, meticulously maintained, with gleaming countertops and floors that practically sparkle. On the surface, it's the embodiment of cleanliness and order. But lurking beneath the tidiness, an age-old question emerges: Can even the most immaculate homes fall victim to the invasion of mice? The idea of rodents infesting a...

Do Newer Homes Have Pest Problems?

Older homes have long been associated with housing unwelcome critters. The aging structures, porous materials, and lack of modern sealing techniques can make older homes understandably at risk for pest problems. However, as construction practices have advanced and building materials have been revamped, newer homes are protected from pest damage...

Where do Yellowjackets Go When it Gets Cold?

The fast approach of autumn can be conflicting for many. Some might prefer to cling to the last few months of sweet summer warmth. Others may welcome the turning of leaves and donning of cozy sweaters with open arms. But there is one thing we can all appreciate about chilly fall weather: the disappearance of yellowjackets. However, the absence of...

When Does Mosquito Season End?

Mosquitoes have undoubtedly managed to make their mark on your summer memories. You may have swatted, sprayed, and swerved to avoid them, but their presence was likely unavoidable. Now, as fall weather approaches, these buzzing nuisances will soon begin to retreat, allowing you to reclaim your outdoor spaces and enjoy nature without the constant...

Can Spiders Harm My Dog?

As a pet parent, it's only natural to be concerned about the safety and well-being of your furry companion. From ensuring a balanced diet to providing a safe environment, you do everything in your power to protect your canine friend. But amidst the many potential dangers lurking in and around your home, one frequently asked question arises: can...

Are Stink Bugs Harmful to Humans?

In the world of pesky insects, few creatures have managed to capture the attention and curiosity of homeowners and gardeners, quite like the infamous stink bug. With their distinctive shield-shaped bodies and pungent odor, stink bugs have earned a reputation for being unwelcome guests in many households across the United States. However, when it...

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